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    Regular eye exams are a necessary part of your child’s healthcare routine. Oftentimes, vision exams are provided by pediatricians during yearly well-visits, but a thorough eye exam by an ophthalmologist at least once every two years remains the best way to determine if your child is experiencing vision difficulties or certain eye conditions.

    Vision Care for Children

    It is not uncommon for children to have vision difficulties such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism. Particularly in families in which one or both parents suffer from these vision disorders, a child may develop problems early on.

    Symptoms of potential vision disorders in children include:

    • Poor school performance
    • Difficulties reading and writing
    • Taking a long time to complete simple assignments
    • Frequent complaints of headaches or eye strain

    Our eye doctors are experienced in offering eye exams and vision correction services to children of all ages. Even if your child is not showing any signs of vision difficulties, during regularly scheduled examinations, we can help determine if your child’s eyes are developing properly, and detect early signs of potential disorders.

    If you are searching for an experienced family ophthalmologist in Kansas City, please contact Silverstein Eye Centers to schedule a consultation.

    Posted July 12, 2013 by Silverstein Eye Centers