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    Are These 4 Common Eye Problems Affecting Your Health?

    Do you ever wonder if you are prone to certain eye diseases? Perhaps you have been feeling strange sensations, or seeing things differently than before? It is always good to have regular check-ups with your eye doctor or healthcare specialists. Getting your symptoms checked as early as possible can be vital in avoiding common eye […]

    Read more: Are These 4 Common Eye Problems Affecting Your Health?

    How To Minimize Eye Irritation From Spring Allergies

    Seasonal allergies are a fact of life for many people throughout the US. An estimated 7.8% of the adult population suffers from allergic rhinitis, more commonly known as hay fever.

    Read more: How To Minimize Eye Irritation From Spring Allergies

    Smart Strategies for Fighting AMD

    Age-related macular degeneration, or AMD, can pose a serious threat to your eyesight, especially as you near your 60s. This disease progresses in stages, with each stage holding more potential to cause progressive, irreversible damage to your central field of vision. But while you might understandably fear the vision loss that this disorder can create, […]

    Read more: Smart Strategies for Fighting AMD

    What Your Eyes Reveal About Your General Health

    Visiting your Kansas City eye doctor on a regular basis is extremely important — for more reasons than you may know. While your eye care clinic is invested in helping to maintain your eyesight and minimize your risk of common eye conditions, they also play a crucial role in your overall health and wellness. How? […]

    Read more: What Your Eyes Reveal About Your General Health

    8 Small Ways To Improve Your Eye Health

    When you pay a visit to your Kansas City ophthalmologist, you’re no doubt hoping to hear good news. Perhaps you’d love to hear, “You’ve got great vision” or at the very least, “Your vision hasn’t changed remarkably.” This is perfectly understandable. We all want to keep our vision healthy, for as long as we can. […]

    Read more: 8 Small Ways To Improve Your Eye Health

    Are You Suffering From Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)?

    When you have conjunctivitis, it’s common to think you just have minor eye irritation – that is, until your eye gets incredibly itchy and uncomfortable. Knowing what the common signs and symptoms of conjunctivitis are can save you a lot of discomfort, and help you decide when you should see the doctor for treatment.

    Read more: Are You Suffering From Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)?

    What is Central Serous Retinopathy?

    Located at the back of the eye, the retina is responsible for converting light into electrical signals that the brain interprets as images. The light-sensitive retina consists of many layers of tissue inside the eye, including the retinal pigment epithelium. The RPE separates the sensory part of the retina from the choroid, the layer that […]

    Read more: What is Central Serous Retinopathy?

    What is Corneal Erosion?

    Often called the “front window” of the eye, the sphere-shaped cornea is crucial to clear vision. You may not know the cornea is made of five different layers that work together to protect your eyes and help you focus on objects near and far. When the topmost layer, the epithelium, separates from the layer beneath […]

    Read more: What is Corneal Erosion?

    Corneal Abrasion vs. Corneal Laceration

    Corneal Abrasion vs. Corneal Laceration: What’s the Difference? Among the most common eye conditions treated by eye doctors are preventable injuries. Most eye injuries occur because the person wasn’t adequately protecting their eyes. Corneal abrasions and corneal lacerations are two types of eye injuries that can impact your vision. Keep reading to learn the difference […]

    Read more: Corneal Abrasion vs. Corneal Laceration

    Myopia: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

    When’s the last time you made an appointment to see your Kansas City ophthalmologist? If it’s been a while, you should come in to get examined for myopia and other common eye problems. According to the National Eye Institute, myopia is incredibly common, occurring in approximately 42 percent of people in the United States between […]

    Read more: Myopia: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

    Blocked Tear Ducts: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options

    Though tears are most often associated with sadness, the truth is that your eyes produce them constantly. When everything is operating normally, the lacrimal glands above each eye release a flow of lubrication to wash away debris and keep you comfortable. The liquid moves across your eyes and drains into small holes where the upper […]

    Read more: Blocked Tear Ducts: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options

    Night Driving and Your Vision

    As the days get shorter and we head into another Kansas City winter, we spend a lot more time driving at night. It’s unavoidable when the sun sets by 5 pm! Unfortunately, however, nighttime is the most dangerous time to find yourself behind the wheel – particularly if you have any vision issues.

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    Macular Pucker: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

    Macular pucker is a kind of scar tissue that has formed over the eye’s macula. This condition is also referred to as epiretinal membrane, premacular fibrosis and retina wrinkle, among other names. Learn about the symptoms, causes and treatment for macular pucker below.

    Read more: Macular Pucker: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

    Narrow Angle Glaucoma: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

    Most people don’t know that glaucoma isn’t a unique condition; it can manifest in a variety of ways, each with different presentations. A small percentage of glaucoma patients are at risk of, or already have, what’s known as narrow angle glaucoma, a condition that, if left untreated, can lead to a more serious form of […]

    Read more: Narrow Angle Glaucoma: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

    7 Common Eye Myths Debunked

    Have you gotten any advice lately about how to protect or improve your vision? If this advice didn’t come directly from your Kansas City ophthalmologist or the trusted staff at your eye care clinic, there’s a chance these claims may be bogus. There are tons of cautionary tales floating around about your eyes, most of […]

    Read more: 7 Common Eye Myths Debunked
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