Custom LASIK
Personalized Vision Correction With Custom LASIK
Custom LASIK is a laser vision correction procedure that measures the unique visual characteristics of your eye in order to customize your treatment. Custom Wavefront Guided LASIK provides an additional level of precision.
A device called a wavefront analyzer measures the way light travels through your eye and then creates a 3-D wavefront map that is unique in the same way that your fingerprint is unique to you. Your wavefront map provides a detailed diagram of the areas of distortion (called aberrations) that allows your doctor to provide you with truly customized vision correction.
Several types of visual imperfections referred to as lower and higher-order aberrations exist within the eye and can affect your vision. With conventional LASIK, only lower-order aberrations (such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism) can be measured and treated. These do not account for all visual imperfections. Higher-order aberrations also have a significant impact on your vision.
What is Contoura® Vision Topography-guided LASIK?
Contoura® Vision, also known as topography-guided LASIK, is an FDA-approved advancement in custom LASIK technology. Traditional LASIK treatments correct only the shape of the eye, but topography-guided LASIK treats both the shape and the surface texture of the cornea, making it a much more personalized and precise LASIK treatment.
Contoura® Vision topography-guided LASIK technology provides detailed measurements of the specific characteristics unique to each patient’s eyes allowing surgeons to create individualized patient treatment plans.
Custom LASIK will help to correct these higher order aberrations that, in the past, could not be adequately corrected with glasses, contacts or conventional LASIK. Custom LASIK provides you with the best possible quality vision.
Contoura® Vision Topography-guided LASIK
In clinical trials, 92% of patients that had the Contoura® Vision treatment reported seeing 20/20 or better, 12 months after their procedure.
Thank you to our patients:
Choosing an eye doctor is a very important decision, and we want to make your experience at Silverstein Eye Centers as helpful as possible. We are at your service to provide our finest and most ethical care for your eyes. Thank you for trusting our doctors to care for your vision. Learn more.