The difference between traditional LASIK and custom LASIK is in custom LASIK’s use of wavefront technology to create a digital, 3-D map of your eye that is used in guiding the laser.

    Both types of LASIK have proven effective in treating astigmatism, myopia (nearsightedness) and hyperopia (farsightedness). An examination with an experienced Kansas City ophthalmologist at Silverstein Eye Centers can help determine which procedure is best for your specific condition.

    For many patients, traditional LASIK provides exceptional results for a slightly lower cost. However, some patients benefit from the additional precision and individualized attention offered by custom LASIK.

    If you experience vision problems such as double vision, blurred vision, halos or starbursts, you may be a better candidate for custom LASIK.

    The wavefront device used in custom LASIK details how light travels through your eye and pinpoints areas of distortion, or aberrations. Using the 3-D image created with wavefront to guide the laser, your LASIK surgeon can target these individual aberrations.

    To learn more about the differences between traditional and custom LASIK or to schedule a LASIK consultation, please contact the Kansas City, Missouri, ophthalmologists at Silverstein Eye Centers.

    Posted October 13, 2011 by Silverstein Eye Centers
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