Recovery from cataract surgery often takes only a few short weeks, but this will be dependent on factors unique to your body. Many patients are able to resume normal activities within a week of their procedure, but full healing may take up to 12 weeks. During this time, it is important that you follow all of your Kansas City, Missouri cataract surgeon’s post-operative advice to help ensure proper healing and good results.

    Recovery from Cataract Surgery

    Immediately following surgery your vision will be impaired. It is important that you arrange for a ride home from our office to ensure your safety. Mild redness in, or itchiness around the eye are common during the first few days. Getting plenty of rest will help speed this part of the healing process.

    In addition to rest, you will need to take steps to decrease your risk for complications and increase your comfort such as:

    • Using the eye drops prescribed by our office
    • Wearing a protective shield over your eye
    • Keeping the area around your eye clean
    • Wearing sunglasses at all times when outdoors

    Your cataract surgeon will discuss other ways you can help decrease your recovery time during your initial consultation.

    If you live in or around Kansas City, Missouri and would like more information on what you can expect before, during, and after cataract surgery, please contact Silverstein Eye Center to schedule an appointment today.

    Posted April 19, 2012 by Silverstein Eye Centers
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