It’s easy to take your vision for granted — especially when it isn’t presenting any obvious issues. There are at least 10 compelling reasons for both adults and children to receive annual eye exams; it isn’t just to check for vision changes, as you will see in the information below.
#1 Times Change and So Do Your Eyes
Even if you’re not noticing any sort of difference in your vision, small changes can still be occurring slowly over time. Because these changes happen so gradually, you adjust to them, making it appear as though nothing is different. Even small adjustments in your vision can cause occasional headaches, eye fatigue and squinting.
#2 Exams Can Catch Asymptomatic Eye Diseases
Cataracts and glaucoma can develop, and you may not notice any sort of change. Cataracts can come on slowly, making it difficult to see differences in your vision until they’ve become severe. Glaucoma is sneaky — it can develop without any obvious symptoms or signs. Early detection of glaucoma can help to slow down the ravages of this incurable condition of the optic nerve.
#3 Adults and Children Alike Need Clear Vision to Learn
Thousands of children every year are inaccurately diagnosed with learning disabilities when they actually just can’t see well. Many children don’t know they have vision problems; they may have had them from early on, making it impossible for them to know that their poor vision isn’t “the norm.” In addition, detection of a condition known as amblyopia (the eyes and the brain don’t communicate clearly) can help save a young child’s vision. Humans are visual learners — most learning takes place using information taken in visually. That’s why it’s important, even as an adult, to take excellent care of your eye health.
#4 Diabetes Detection
Did you know that your eye doctor may be your first line of defense against diabetes? A comprehensive eye exam can reveal early onset diabetes (sometimes before standard lab tests can). Diabetes can be accompanied by certain eye diseases, such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and cataracts.
#5 Lifestyle Improvements
If you wear eyeglasses on a regular basis, you probably know they can sometimes have their limitations. For instance, they’re inconvenient to wear in the pool or playing sports. If you’re finding that your glasses are limiting or interfering with your ability to participate in the activities you love, scheduling an eye exam including a contact fitting can open up a whole new world of possibilities in freedom with regards to your vision correction.
#6 Early Diagnosis of Other Health Conditions
As highlighted above, diabetes is one disease that an eye exam can catch early on. There are, however, other equally serious conditions that can be caught through an eye exam. These include high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, detached retinas and even some neurological disorders.
#7 One (Pair) in a Million
Your eyes are uniquely yours. They are all you get. You owe it to yourself to take the best care possible of your eyes and vision. As they say, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” If you really think about it, the cost of an eye exam (assuming you don’t have a vision plan) is on a par with a good haircut. You probably wouldn’t forego keeping your hair looking sharp, so why should you compromise on your eye health, either?
#8 Tired, Scratchy, Burning, Light-Sensitive or Swollen Eyes
Many people assume that if they’re experiencing the above symptoms, it’s probably just allergies or a lack of sleep. While this is a possibility, an eye exam can rule out conditions such as iritis, blepharitis or infection. If something other than allergies is found, treatment can be started to get you back on the road to optimal eye health.
#9 Safety
Being able to see properly is key in keeping you and those around you safe. From driving to just walking down a flight of stairs, your vision is perhaps the most important means of forewarning you of potential problems and dangers. You owe it to yourself and those around you to make sure your eyes will always be on the lookout to keep you out of harm’s way.
#10 Feeling and Looking Your Best
If you already wear glasses but that make you feel self-conscious, this is going to have an impact on how you feel about yourself, not to mention the way you present yourself to the outside world. Even if your current glasses prescription is correct, if the frames themselves are ill-fitting, they can cause a wide variety of problems — headaches, tender areas and even pressure sores. Multi-focal glasses with frames that don’t sit evenly can create problems in depth perception and vertigo. If you’re just tired of wearing glasses, an eye exam will determine if you’re a good candidate for contact lenses. You owe it to yourself to be comfortable and feel good doing it!
Please give us a call at (816) 358-3600 or email us to schedule an eye exam.